mánudagur, júní 30, 2008
laugardagur, júní 28, 2008
þriðjudagur, júní 24, 2008
Finally home - in the green and could and nice --- ICELAND
Thanks for following my trip - I hope I will sit down one night and wright the rest of my trip down - with some of the train story's - the sand every where story - some shopping - toilets story's - some interesting food I did eat - ... and more.
Hugs to you all
Thanks for following my trip - I hope I will sit down one night and wright the rest of my trip down - with some of the train story's - the sand every where story - some shopping - toilets story's - some interesting food I did eat - ... and more.
Hugs to you all
föstudagur, júní 20, 2008
John 35 birthday
We are still at the Black sea having fun at the beach - John is at work but we have a birthday dinner tonight.
sunnudagur, júní 15, 2008
sunnudagur, júní 08, 2008
laugardagur, júní 07, 2008
Well - I am all good now. ... this city is so beautiful and relaxed. I have the feeling that I am in Paris!!! just missing the Effel touer. Well I did see mr. Effel trainstation in Budapest.
I am heading back to day - I did find a train that gose from hear to Soffia in only 16 hours - she must be flying. Well I did not find this ... I was almost crying at the train ticket office. NO-ONE did speck enghlis (and I cant right it :-) and no-one did want to help me. So roode people. And then finaly I got to one ticket office and she was willing to tell me where to go to buy international tickets. Bear in mind that lines hear are not the same as any where... so there was the guy all of asuden next to me looking the other way and I found some thing in my bad --- and he had his jacket over his hand and his hand in my bag!!! I got so MAD!!! riped of his jacket and screemd at him - every one that did not look at me when I did need help staird. The guy was in shock from my action. He looked really bad - but guess what he was the only person in the ticket office that speck Enghlis... just my luck!! lol
Well I did not want his help - the lady told me to go to nr.10 (where the most roode lady works) so I did not go there ... I asked the people in line of this was the internationla... and yes. Finaly a guy came in the line and I asked if he speck Enghli... and YES he did = and became my best frined... lol
He got me my ticke and all that I did want... so so so good. I when out of that bad ticket offis whit a smile and so happy with my ticket. I did all the sides in town and looked around. Got some "grandmothers" statuse... so cool and a hat!!!
So this time in Ukraine has not be so bad after all.
I just took a taxi to a out of cetro location to see some more cool things - and I got riped of. He told me (in Enghlis) that I was sitting in a Mecadis and not a Lada - so I need to pay more!!!! what a logick!!! lol
After my rip off I took the bus to down town - no problem theres so I can say I only got 1/2 riped off... ;-)
I did take the subwayto down town from the train station - I was so imprest with myslef. Even got a lady to give my a ticket to the subway. It is the depest subway sistem in the world. And so crouded... the train gose every 1 minute!!! Talking about good servis.
lot of hugs
PS. Thad er toppurinn ad vera i teinottu!!!
föstudagur, júní 06, 2008
I really dont know what I am doing hear!!! There is not one person that specks Enghlis and all the sighs are in Russian!!! lol
I am going to start moving down to Bulgaria now === getting tierd I guess... we will see :- )
I am going to start moving down to Bulgaria now === getting tierd I guess... we will see :- )
fimmtudagur, júní 05, 2008
Yes I have to say this is the smallerst contry I have been to ... Trabsdniestr is next to Moldova and Uknaine. There are about 600.000 people who live here. It is risky buesness getting in here and the status on the risk scale is Modirad. So I did get my gaude to take me there and tell me how to sit or stand.
It has his own flag, money, stamps, anthome... all.
This little contry is a big memorial of how the Sovet use to be. Every thing is the same - big statues of Lenin and all. SO cool...
miðvikudagur, júní 04, 2008
Heading for Moldova
I am leaving on a bus to Moldova at 12:00 - the toure takes about 9 hours. It will be interesting to get in to the contry.. We see what happens... :- )
So next time I talk from the capital of Moldova - Chisinau
for Reydarfjardar gang!
This is for all the nice people that lived in the camp at Reydarfjordur. If you miss the pink & white striped covers - u can always travel to Romania and get that renkely feeling one more time. What a flass back!!! :-)
mánudagur, júní 02, 2008
I did finally get to Brasvo after our train organizer woke the passsangers up at 4am and we did not arrive until 5:30 in the morning. There is an time diffrens so it was not that bad!!!
I got a bus from the train station - did by my ticket and stamp it and get on the right bus... I just got out a little early - that is tippical me. After knowing every corner of the main plasa I knocked on the tourist information at 7:40 - the night gourd got me a place to stay!!! Belive it or not - u just have to ask in the contry --- or try to make them understand you!!! After an hour nap I did a tour of the city - Brasvo. It is a really nice town / city and has it all.
Tomorrow O a, gpomg pm a tpir tp Bran to see the castle of Dracula - and his blood thirsty friends. More about that tomorrow...
Hugs Kristin
sunnudagur, júní 01, 2008
A weekend in Hungary. My friend Tibor did spoil me over the weekend. We wnt to Lake Balaton the biggest fresh water lake in Europe. So now I have driven around it, taken a ferry over it and walked along it. Really beatiful lake and the surrounding - the food was so good no matter where we did go. So delicious - and the portions are so big - I did learn that the frist day!!! On Sunday Tibor took me to Butdapest to the West End Shopping center = where me and imba when crazy last time in Budapest. I did some light shopping and got on a train to Romania at 17:45.